volunteering that puts the world in perspective


The people of UNA Exchange:

UNA Exchange has four full time staff based in our offices in Cardiff. Please feel free to contact us if you require more information, or drop into the office if you are in Cardiff. In addition to the paid staff, there are also very many office based volunteers, Management Committee members and project leaders who give an extraordinary amount of their time to make the work of UNA Exchange possible.

Sheila Smith is the Director of UNA Exchange.

Hannah Pitt is the National Exchange Co-ordinator responsible for organising the International Volunteer Projects in Wales.

Jirka Peška, the International Exchange Co-ordinator, arranges the placements of UK volunteers going overseas.

Sam Powell,
Communications and Clerical Officer, is responsible for publicity, membership, and finances.


Contact Details:

If you would like more information about the international volunteer projects available through UNA Exchange or would like to be sent a copy of the International Projects Directory, please contact us at the following address, email or phone:

UNA Exchange
Temple of Peace,
Cathays Park,
CF10 3AP
Wales, UK

Tel: 0044 (0) 29 2022 3088
Fax: 0044 (0) 29 2066 5557

General Email Enquires
click here


UNA Exchange is a
registered charity/
Elusen Gofrestredig: 700760