Project details

Code: DJ04-10
Country: Indonesia
Region: Kebumen Regency, Central Java Province
Title: The Kebumen Project
Start date: 06 April 2010
End date: 20 April 2010
Project type: Education
Ages: 18 - 70
Partner organisation: Dejavato
Training Required: Yes find out about training
UNA Exchange Placement Fee: £175.00 find out about costing
Work: The volunteers will do small renovation paint the Redisari Elementary school and be involved in educational activities with the children. The school has around 120 students and 10 local teachers.
Location: Redisari is a small village located in the Kebumen Regency about 200 km south: There are beaches, caves, forests and mountains close to this limestone producing village
Accommodation: The volunteers will be accommodated in the local people host family (basic conditions, sleeping bag and mat needed) and the volunteers will cook the food for the group.
Special remarks: TERMINAL : Semarang airport, railway station and bus terminal. ; SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS : None ; STUDY : None ; EXTRA FEE : 180 euros.

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