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Project details

NB: The information below has been written by the people who run the project.
Please bear in mind that English is often not the first language of those who run the projects.

Code: ALLI17-11
Country: Finland
Title: Window Tuusniemi
Start date: 01 August 2011
End date: 10 August 2011
Project type: Construction
Ages: 18 - 70
Partner organisation: Allianssi
UNA Exchange Placement Fee: £150.00 find out about costing
Work: The camp host is a local village association in a small village of Kojanlahti in eastern Finland. The association owns an old school where they arrange activities in summertime. This wooden old building needs repairing, mainly renovating the windows in a traditional way. The volunteers should be able to ride bicycle in order to be able to freely move around.
Location: Tuusniemi. Tuusniemi is located in the beautiful eastern Finland between Kuopio and Joensuu, see more Be prepared to experience and enjoy the life in Finnish countryside. The area is famous for lakes and there are plenty of possibilities for swimming etc.
Accommodation: Accomodation is in an old school. There are showers and mattresses. Self-catering, volunteers will cook their meals themselves in turns.
Special remarks: TERMINAL : Tuusniemi ; SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS : None ; STUDY THEME : None ; EXTRA FEE : None.

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