
UNA Exchange offers literally thousands of opportunities to volunteer in more than 50 countries worldwide, with the aim of doing something worthwhile and, most of all, having fun! Whether you want to cultivate organic garlic in Turkey, be chased by cheeky monkeys in Ghana, renovate a city park in Canada or work to rebuild Tsunami damaged communities in Bangladesh, UNA Exchange will have something on offer to suit your interests. All projects in our programmes, regardless of the country, are initiated and organised by the local community who have identified the need and asked for volunteers to help.

The projects we offer are co-ordinated by partner organisations, similar to UNA Exchange, in over 50 countries. There are Short-Term Group Projects from one to four weeks, Medium Term Placements for up-to four months and Long Term Placements for up to 12 months. There are also volunteer placements, which are fully funded, lasting from two to 12 months and are run through the European Voluntary Service (EVS) programme.  

All the volunteering programmes offered by UNA Exchange are residential and, with the exception of individual placements, the groups always live together in communal accommodation, sharing everything from the cooking and cleaning to the work and free time activities. This gives the participants from different countries, the chance to learn from one another as well as from the community in which they are living and working. It is a great way to discover other cultures – you may be volunteering in Russia but living with other volunteers from Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Germany, the USA, Korea and so on. Most projects are open to people of all ages and backgrounds, and while we charge a placement fee, this is kept to a minimum (we are a charity, not a profit-making company).

Click on the menu below for more details of the different kinds of projects available. Or you can see which projects are available over the coming months on the project search page