volunteering that puts the world in perspective


Opportunities with UNA exchange
UNA Exchange has opportunities to participate in volunteer projects in three main programmes. Please click on the highlighted links for detailed information on each programme and go to the bottom of the page to learn more about What international voluntary projects are.

Projects in Wales
UNA Exchange runs a programme of over 40 short-term projects
throughout Wales open to volunteers from both the UK and the rest of the world. There are also opportunities for longer term volunteering in Wales. For more information on the Welsh programmes -
International Exchange Programme
UNA Exchange's International Exchange Programme, encompasses projects in Europe (including Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union), North America (including Greenland and Mexico), Japan and South Korea. For more information on our international exchange programme -

North / South Programme
The North / South programme which covers projects with partner organisations in Africa, South and Central America, and South and South-East Asia. For more information on the North / South programme -

What are International Volunteer Projects?

International Volunteer Projects (IVPs) provide services to local communities to carry out tasks that would not otherwise be possible.

Participants on IVPs are not tourists, but can expect to become more involved with a community that hosts a project. Participation makes it possible
to experience different areas of counties and cultures not usually accessible to foreigners. IVPs provide opportunities for people of different nationalities, ages, abilities, social, cultural and religious backgrounds to live, work and co-operate together.

VPs do not replace work that would otherwise be undertaken by paid labour, or utilise volunteers as a form of cheap labour. The vast majority of tasks completed by international volunteers would simply not be achieved without them.

Although IVPs can differ widely, they have a number of common characteristics: ·

IVPs usually run for two to four weeks and most (but not all) are run in the summer months.

There is a programme of work which is suitable for volunteers with no particular qualifications and experience.

Volunteers come from all around the world seeking an experience of the country they visit but also the cultural exchange that comes when an international group live together.

Groups usually consist of 8-15 volunteers including one (or more) who acts as leader.

Volunteers have contact with the host and local community.

Social activities are part of the project for the volunteers.

UNA Exchange is a
registered charity/
Elusen Gofrestredig: 700760